Lesa Mackie
I am a mother of 5 and have lived in Sylvan Lake nearly my whole life. I have practiced yoga for 15 years with multiple restarts due to 2 MVAs and a major knee injury. One MVA resulted in a near life changing TBI and without my yoga practice I may not have recovered completely.
Yoga is my everything. My safe place, my connection to my self and my mat is where I land when my life and my brain are too busy.
I am a double certified 200 hour E-RYT-CYA with 1800+ teaching hours and currently working on my 300 hr RYT. I am a certified 40hr YIN instructor, a 75 hr restorative chakra therapeutics instructor, Advanced Buti instructor, and hold a Baptiste Power Yoga credential. I am certified in SuP yoga and Sup fitness and have taught Stand up paddle for 7 years.
I am a Certified Nutrition coach through Precision Nutrition and am a Reiki Master and Trainer.
I hold certifications in breath work for diverse needs, and Trauma and Autism informed approaches for kids.
I love all the things about teaching yoga. Is how I ground myself and and fully inspired by watching people step into their greatness! I have a special place in my heart for kids and facilitating the future generation in living a better, more connected, more whole and aware life than past generations had access to.
I am a second year university student, working toward my Degree in Psychology. With the intention to move right into a Masters in counselling and Clinical Psychology. I love speaking to the brain/body connection in everything I do and teach. You will hear me say “ fire up your glutes and core” in every class, because if we don’t know what is going on in those body parts, your brain is not online.
I love to golf, spend time with my family, Stand-Up Paddle, walk, work out , laugh, smile, and look for the positives in the messiest storms of life.

Yoga has carried me through loss, through sickness, through injury, and it keeps showing up to catch me if I fall. It begins with breath it ends with breath and everything in between is intentional movement. Yoga gives me the strength to step into the fires of life, out of my comfort zone and find love and patience for myself and others.